Is Your Child Hard to Parent?
Does parenting seem harder than it should be? Are you frustrated with your child’s behaviour, or feeling guilty because you’re a “bad” parent?
You are not alone.
In some ways, parenting is harder today than ever before. You are meant to be the most important person in your child’s life, but you are also meant to have the help and support of many significant others.
This “village of attachment” and support no longer exists in our society. So parents are left to go it alone. And this can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

What Makes Our Parenting Approach Different
We are not focused on behaviour but on what your child is expressing through behaviour. We are interested in the root of the problem. Our goal is to help you make sense of what you are seeing in your child so that you can parent from a place of understanding, rather than frustration and overwhelm.
We also help you understand and meet your children’s fundamental developmental needs, which are:
- A secure attachment to you and other adults responsible for their care;
- Discipline that does not punish or divide; and
- Structure, rituals and routines to compensate for children’s natural immaturity and help keep them out of trouble.
We help you parent from a place of understanding, love and connection. In short, we show you how you are the answer to your child.